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Fine Art Reproductions

Jess Franks offers an extensive collection of fine art reproduction prints on canvas with industry-leading print quality. They often feature scenes from Maine and New England, with special attention given to its coast, mountains, and waters. These giclee prints come in standard and custom sizes for collectors, and Jess works personally to make sure each order meets her high standards.



Original Paintings for Sale

Jess Franks is a landscape artist whose original paintings blend realistic and abstract techniques to create colorful scenes that bring joy and peace to the viewer. Her paintings are highly sought after, and only available for sale here, directly from Jess through her website. She often paints in series, and makes sure to let her email list know when a new collection of work is going to be released. She works primarily in acrylics on canvas and board, layering color on color to create dynamic scenes from the trail.


The art of jess franks:

timeless Landscape paintings with a modern approach.

Follow jess on Instagram @jessfranksart